Climate Index

The Past Climate of Arroyo Hondo New Mexico Reconstructed From Tree Rings


abandonment, of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, xiv, xv, 99, 106

agriculture, and Santa Fe dendroclimatic reconstructions, 106

Albuquerque, and weather records, 35, 38, 39, 40-41, 42, 43

amplitude matrix, and eigenvector amplitudes, 54, 58, 60

Arroyo Hondo Pueblo:  conclusions on paleoclimate of, 91-106; description and overview of, x-xv; design and objectives of study, ix-x; introduction to tree-ring samples from, 1-2; location of, viii.  See also climate; dendroclimatology

Arroyo Hondo site chronology:  evaluation of for use in paleoclimatic reconstruction, 11-29; and introduction to techniques of dendroclimatology, 7-10

autocorrelation function, and chronology merging, 19-21

autospectra, of tree-ring chronologies, 24

averaging, and composite tree-ring chronology, 93

Ayres, Frank, Jr., 52


behavioral buffering mechanisms, and paleoclimatic variations, 91

Blackman, R. B., 15

Blalock, Hubert M., Jr., 74

Bottorff, Christine P., 2

Box, George E. P., 15

Brier, G. W., 15

Brillinger, David R., 15


climate:  assumptions underlying attempted reconstruction of for Arroyo Hondo, 5-6; calibration of tree-ring and climatic time series, 49-78; and conclusions on paleoclimate of Arroyo Hondo, 91-106; evaluation of range of variation for Santa Fe area, 31-43; evaluation of tree-ring chronologies used in reconstruction of for Arroyo Hondo, 11-29; favorable conditions of during growth phase of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, xi; influence of on growth of trees, 3-5, 9-10, 69; shift to high annual variability in precipitation at Arroyo Hondo circa A.D. 1335, xiv; and verification procedure for climatic data, 79-86, 87-89.  See also dendroclimatology; drought; precipitation; temperature

chronology merging, and Glorieta Mesa and Santa Fe archaeological chronologies, 18-27

classic harmonic analysis, compared to spectral analysis, 19

coherency squared, and cross-spectral analysis, 26

confidence limits, for response function, 61-62

Cooley, W. W., 52

correlation coefficient, and reduction of error statistic, 83-86

cross-correlation analyses, and chronology merging, 18

cross-spectral analysis, and chronology merging, 24-27

CUTE (cumulative temperature analysis) computer program, 43, 44-45


Dean, Jeffrey S., xv, 5

dendroclimatology:  approaches in recent research on, 4; assumptions underlying attempted reconstruction of paleoclimate of Arroyo Hondo area, 5-6; and calibration of tree-ring and climatic time series, 49-78; and conclusions on paleoclimate of Arroyo Hondo, 91-106; description of tree-ring sequences used in Arroyo Hondo study, 7, 9; and evaluation of range of variation in climatic data for Santa Fe area, 31-43; and evaluation of tree-ring chronologies used for paleoclimatic reconstruction for Arroyo Hondo, 11-29; and flow chart for Arroyo Hondo analysis, 8; history of and relationship between tree growth and weather, 3, 5; implications for archaeology of recent advances in, ix; introduction to techniques and methods of, 3-10; recent additional climatic reconstructions for Santa Fe area, 107-108; and verification of equations used in calibration process, 79-86, 87-89.  See also climate

descriptive statistics, and range of variation in modern Santa Fe climatic data, 32-35, 36-37

differences of means, t-test for, 79-80, 81-82

digital filtering techniques, for evaluation of tree-ring chronologies for climatic analysis, 13, 18

DMASS (double mass analysis of precipitation series) computer program, 43, 46-47

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), 1

Douglass, Andrew Ellicott, 3

Draper, N. R., 74

drought, Santa Fe dendroclimatic record and reconstruction of precipitation patterns, 94, 98, 100, 106.  See also water stress

Durbin, J., 78

Durbin-Watson statistic, and transfer function, 71, 76, 78


eigenvalues, and response function, 54, 55

eigenvectors, and response function, 51-62

Environmental Data Service, 31

error statistic, correlation coefficient and reduction of, 83-86


factor analysis, and eigenvectors, 58

fir (Abies spp.), 1.  See also tree growth

Fourier transform, and variance spectrum, 21-22, 26

F-ratio, and calibration of tree-ring and climatic time series, 62, 71, 73, 74

Fritts, Harold C., 2, 5, 13, 14, 15, 28, 68, 80, 85


Glorieta Mesa piñon chronology:  and evaluation of range of variation of modern Santa Fe climatic data, 31-43; evaluation of for reconstruction of paleoclimate of Arroyo Hondo, 11-29; and introduction to techniques of dendroclimatology, 7, 9, 10; relationship between modern Santa Fe weather record and, 91; response function for, 62-68

Great Drought (1276-1299), 98, 100, 106


Harris, Richard J., 52

heterogeneity, of meteorological data, 42

high frequency variation, and dendroclimatic potential of tree-ring series, 14-15

Holloway, J. L., Jr., 15

homogeneity, of meteorological data, 42-43


infant mortality, and evidence for nutritional stress at Arroyo Hondo, xiv


Jenkins, Gwilym M., 15, 22, 27

juniper (Juniperus spp.), 1.  See also tree growth


Kemrer, Meade F., 5

Kerlinger, F. N., 74

Kohler, M. A., 43


Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (University of Arizona), 1, 2, 6, 43

lagged ring-width indices, and regression equation, 61

LaMarche, Valmore C., Jr., 18

living-tree chronologies, climate sensitivity of, 7

Lohnes, P. R., 52

low frequency variation, and dendroclimatic potential of tree-ring series, 14-15


mean sensitivity, and dendroclimatic potential of tree-ring series, 13

missing values, estimation of for Santa Fe climatic record, 35, 38-41, 42

Mitchell, J. M., Jr., 15, 42

Mosimann, James E., 2

multiple linear regression, and calibration of tree-ring and climate time series, 60-62, 69, 70-78

multivariate analyses, and general approaches in recent dendroclimatic research, 4


National Geographic Society, x

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 31

National Science Foundation, x

negative value:  for Glorieta Mesa piñon response function, 67; and product mean statistic, 80

network study, and dendroclimatic reconstruction for Santa Fe area, 107-108

New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, 31

New Mexico State Engineer Office, 31

normalization, of climatic data, 50-51

northwestern New Mexico study, and recent dendroclimatic reconstructions, 108

null hypothesis, and calibration of tree-ring and climatic time series, 73-74, 76

nutritional stress, and bone pathologies at Arroyo Hondo, xiv

Nyquist frequency, and variance spectrum, 22


overlap periods, in tree-ring chronologies, 16, 17, 20


paleoclimate.  See climate

Pecos, and weather records, 35, 39, 41, 42, 43

Pedhazer, E., 74

persistence, in time series, 24

photosynthetic capacity, effects of climate on, 69

physiological and growth studies, and approaches in recent dendroclimatic research, 4

piñon (Pinus edulis), 1, 11, 69.  See also Glorieta Mesa piñon chronology; tree growth

piñon-juniper forest, and Sangre de Cristo Mountains, 1

plazas, and description of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, xiv

ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), 1, 11.  See also tree growth

population, climate and decline of at Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, xiv, xv.  See also abandonment

positive values:  for Glorieta Mesa piñon response function, 67-68; and product mean statistic, 80

precipitation:  and conclusions on paleoclimate of Arroyo Hondo, 92-105; and normalization of climatic data, 52-53; and range of variation in modern Santa Fe climatic data, 35, 38-41, 42.  See also drought; water stress

principal components analysis:  and response function, 50-68; and transfer function, 68-78

product mean statistic, and verification process, 80, 83

publication series, and Arroyo Hondo Pueblo project, x


reduction of error statistic, and correlation coefficient, 83-86

relative homogeneity, of meteorological data, 42-43

resettlement, of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo after initial abandonment, xiv-xv

response function:  and mathematical expression of relationship between climate and tree growth, 9-10; and principal components analysis, 50-68

ring-width measurements, 12

Rio Grande’s Pueblo Past, The (film), x

Robinson, William J., xv, 5

roofing elements, of pueblos as main source of tree-ring specimens, xiv

roomblocks, and description of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, xi, xiii, xiv

Rose, Martin R., xv, 107


Sangre de Cristo Mountains, xi, xii, 1

Santa Fe archaeological tree-ring chronology:  evaluation of for reconstruction of paleoclimate of Arroyo Hondo, 11-29; and introduction to dendroclimatology, 7, 9, 10; and reconstruction of precipitation variability, 91

Santa Fe climatic chronology:  evaluation of for reconstruction of paleoclimate of Arroyo Hondo, 11-29; and introduction to dendroclimatology, 2

Santa Fe climatic data:  and additional dendroclimatic reconstructions, 107-108; and amplitude series for eigenvectors, 59; and eigenvalues, 5556-57; evaluation of range of variation in, 31-43; relationship between Glorieta Mesa piñon growth and, 91; verification process and comparison of actual precipitation and temperature measurements from, 79

Schoenwetter, James, 6

School of American Research, ix-x, 1

Schulman, Edmund, 3

seed germination, Santa Fe tree-ring evidence as relative measure of, 106

Shatz, David J., 13, 14, 15, 28

Signal Corps, 32

skeletal remains, and evidence for nutritional stress at Arroyo Hondo, xiv

Smiley, Terah L., 2

Smith, David G., 68

Smith, H., 74

spectral analysis, and chronology merging, 18-19

Spiegel, Murray R., 40

standardization, and composite tree-ring chronology, 93

standardized growth indices, and ring-width measurements, 12

step-wise multiple regression:  and response function, 67; use of in previous dendroclimatological research, 49-50

Stockton, Charles W., 19

Stokes, Marvin A., 2, 68

storage, as behavioral buffering mechanism, 91


Taos, and weather records, 35, 41

Tatsuoka, Maurice, 52

temperature:  and normalization of climatic data, 52-53; and range of variation in modern Santa Fe climatic data, 32-35, 38-41, 42

trade, as behavioral buffering mechanism, 91

transfer function:  and calibration of tree-ring and climatic time series, 68-78; and reconstruction of past climate of Arroyo Hondo area, 10

tree growth, influence of climate on, 3-5, 9-10, 69.  See also fir; juniper; piñon; ponderosa pine; vegetation zones

tree-rings samples:  calibration of climatic time series and, 49-78; evaluation of for use in paleoclimatic reconstruction, 11-29; introduction to from Arroyo Hondo, 1-2.  See also Arroyo Hondo site chronology; Glorieta Mesa piñon chronology; Santa Fe archaeological tree-ring chronology

t-test, for differences of means, 79-80, 81-82

Tukey, J. W., 15


United States Army Post Surgeons, 32

United States Department of Commerce, 31

University of Arizona.  See Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research


variance component characteristics, and evaluation of dendroclimatic potential of tree-ring series, 15-18

variance spectrum, and chronology merging, 21-24

vegetation zones, from Sangre de Cristo Mountains to Rio Grande, xi, xii

verification, and reconstruction of past climate of Arroyo Hondo area, 10, 79-86, 87-89, 93


water stress, tree-ring chronologies as predictors of, 93-94.  See also drought

Watson, G. S., 78

Watts, D. G., 22, 27

Weather Bureau, 31, 32

Wesolowsky, George O., 76

“window closing” technique, and variance spectrum, 22-23