Survey Index

The Arroyo Hondo New Mexico Site Survey

abandonment:  of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo in Classic Period, 34, 35, 42, 76-77; of La Bajada Mesa in Classic Period, 65; of natural districts in Coalition Period, 63, 69, 73, 75; and water supplies in northern Rio Grande region, 66

absolute data, and site weight index, 27

aggregation, of populations in primary and secondary natural districts during Coalition Period, 75

agriculture:  and canyon at edge of La Bajada Mesa, 61; development of intensive practices in Coalition Period, 74-75, 76; and environmental stress during Coalition Period in northern Rio Grande region, 73; and landforms on top of La Bajada Mesa, 62; in main and upper Arroyo Hondo Canyon, 56, 62; in Middle Arroyo Hondo drainage, 59-60, 63; and natural districts in Rio Grande region, 66; and Rio Grande floodplain and terraces, 49, 51, 62; in Santa Fe River Canyon, 53, 62; success of in Developmental Period, 36, 40; and sustaining area for Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, 80, 85; in Tetilla Canyon, 57-58, 63; transition to in northern Rio Grande region, 70-71.  See also maize; water and water supplies

Agua Fria, sites in vicinity of, 124-25

Albuquerque area, 6

Allen, Joseph, 119

Appraisal of Tree-ring Dated Pottery in the Southwest, An (Breternitz 1966), 21

Archaic lithic sites, 29-30

Arroyo de los Chamisos, 82

arroyo flows, as intermittent water sources, 18, 51

Arroyo Hondo Canyon.  See Middle Arroyo Hondo drainage; Upper Arroyo Hondo Canyon

Arroyo Hondo Pueblo:  abandonment of in Classic Period, 34, 76-77; and artifactual analysis, 20-22; ceramic inventory from, 111-15; culture history of in context of northern Rio Grande prehistory, xii, 2; delineation of sustaining area, 79-85; description of sites immediately beyond sustaining area of, 117-25; description of natural districts, 43-62; establishment of survey areas, 17-19; field procedures for site survey, 19-20; interpretation of prehistory of, 67-70; location of, x; model of settlement change, 62-66; monographs on and authors, xi-xii; occupational hiatus during middle of fourteenth century, 123; and population history of study area, 36-42; results of site survey by chronological period, 29-36; and site weight index, 22-27; survey objectives and research design, 2-4; test and full-scale excavations , ix


Bandelier, Adolph, 6

Bannister, B., 3, 7, 73, 76, 118, 119

Binford, Lewis R., 21

Birdsell, J. B., 64

Boserup, Esther, 74

Breternitz, David A., 13, 14, 21, 22, 120, 121, 124

buffer zones, and sustaining areas, 82


Cañada Ancha, 56, 80, 81, 82, 117

Cañada de los Alamos, 81, 119

carrying capacity:  and environmental stress on agricultural production in northern Rio Grande region during Coalition Period, 73, 75; and population growth in natural districts, 64, 69

Carter, George F., 15

ceramics:  and Chamisa Locita (LA 4), 118; and evidence for sites located under city of Santa Fe, 120-23; inventory of from Arroyo Hondo survey, 111-15; and Los Alamos Pueblo, 119-20; similarities of styles from Chaco Canyon to those of northern Rio Grande region, 7; and sites in vicinity of Agua Fria, 124-25

Cerro de la Cruz, 52

Chaco Canyon:  and concept of Chaco-San Juan “interaction sphere,” 71, 74; decline and abandonment of, 15; similarities in ceramics to those from northern Rio Grande, 7

Chama River, 4

Chamisa Locita (LA 4), 81, 117-18

chronology:  and framework of book, 9-10; and overview of northern Rio Grande prehistory by period, 10-16.  See also Archaic lithic sites; Classic Period; Coalition Period; Developmental Period; Historic Period; Preceramic Period

Cienega Creek, 52

Clarke, David L., 64

Classic Period:  decline of Arroyo Hondo population during, 42, 76; decline of population in Rio Grande floodplain and Santa Fe River Canyon natural districts during, 69; occupation and abandonment of La Bajada Mesa during, 65; and overview of northern Rio Grande prehistory, 8-9, 13-14; partial termination of occupation of Upper Arroyo Hondo in, 64; population magnitude in study area during, 40; and results of Arroyo Hondo survey, 34-35, 37-39; and site components in study area, 102-105107-109; and site weight indexes for natural districts by cultural sequence, 47

climate:  and agriculture in Arroyo Hondo Canyon, 80; and decline of populations in natural districts, 63; deterioration of in sixteenth century and decline in population of study area, 42; impact of on agricultural productivity in northern Rio Grande region, 73-74; nature and distribution of lifezones, 78n1; rainfall and location of sites, 18; and water supply for Tetilla Canyon, 58; worldwide deterioration of in sixteenth century, 77.  See also environmental stress; flooding

Coalition Period:  growth of population of Upper Arroyo Hondo natural district during, 67-68, 70; increase in population and population density during, 41-42; and overview of northern Rio Grande prehistory, 8, 12-13; population magnitude in study area during, 40; population trends in northern Rio Grande region during, 72-76; reoccupation of Tetilla Canyon during, 64-65; and results of Arroyo Hondo survey, 32-33, 37-39; and site components in study area, 99-102106-109; and site weight indexes for natural districts by cultural sequence, 47

Cochiti Dam Archaeological Salvage Project, 9, 11, 19, 29

Cochiti Pueblo, 64

Cochiti Springs, 49

Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de, 14


Developmental Period:  and overview of northern Rio Grande prehistory, 10-12; and population growth in northern Rio Grande region, 71-72; and population magnitude in study area, 40; and results of Arroyo Hondo survey, 30-32, 37-39; and site components in study area, 98-99106-109; site size during, 40; and site weight indexes for natural districts by cultural sequence, 47; success of agricultural adaptation during, 36, 40

Dickson, Bruce D., Jr., xii

Dittert, A. E., Jr., 15, 72


environmental stress, and agricultural production during Coalition Period in northern Rio Grande region, 73, 75.  See also climate

epidemic diseases (European), 42, 77

European contact.  See Coronado; epidemic diseases; Historic Period

“exploitation territory,” 85n1.  See also sustaining area


field procedures, and site survey for Arroyo Hondo project, 19-20

Flannery, K. V., 3

flooding:  and agriculture in Arroyo Hondo Canyon, 56; and agriculture in Santa Fe River Canyon, 53

Forde, C. D., 56

Fort Burgwin Research Center, 9

Fritts, H. C., 77


Galisteo basin, 6

Galisteo River, 6

Gerkins, Shelby D., 22-23, 71, 78n1

Gladwin, H. S., 11

Glassow, Michael A., 15, 71


Hack, John T., 23-24, 54, 56

Hammond, Norman D. C., 85n1

Hewett, Edgar Lee, 6

Historic Period:  and overview of northern Rio Grande prehistory, 9, 14; population magnitude in study area during, 40; and reoccupation of canyon at edge of La Bajada Mesa, 61; and results of Arroyo Hondo survey, 35-36, 37-39; and site components in study area, 105107-109; and site weight indexes for natural districts by cultural sequence, 47

Hole, Frank, 3

Hopi, 51, 54, 73, 81


Iran (Khuzistan region), 3-4


Jelinek, Arthur, 64

Judge, W. James, 14


Kelley, N. Edmund, xii, 78n1, 80

Kidder, A. V., 6, 124

Kwahe’e Complex, 11-12


LA 1.  See Pindi Pueblo

LA 3, 53, 8799100107111

LA 4.  See Chamisa Locita

LA 5.  See Las Aguajes

LA 7, 35, 8799100101, 102103104105107108

LA 8.  See Los Alamos Pueblo

LA 16, 32, 35, 8799100101, 102103104105107108, 112

LA 76.  See Upper Arroyo Hondo Pueblo

LA 113, 30, 879899100106

LA 150, 30, 889899100101, 102107

LA 191, 31, 84, 85, 889899109, 113

LA 249, 30, 889899100101, 102103104105106107

LA 266, 30, 899899100101, 102106

LA 4445, 35, 9099100101, 102103104105107108, 113

LA 6295, 34, 35, 91, 102103104105108, 113

LA 10609, 30, 84, 85, 9398105108, 113

LA 10612, 34, 93, 102103104108, 113

LA 10614, 31, 85, 9399109, 113

LA 10617, 34, 93, 102103104109, 113

LA 10621, 31, 34, 9399100, 102103104109, 114

LA 10625, 34, 93, 102103104109, 114

LA 10655, 34, 35, 94, 102103104109, 114

LA 10701, 32, 33, 9799100101105108

La Bajada Mesa, 35, 36:  description of canyon at edge of as natural district, 60-61; and Historic Period sites, 36; lifezones of, 57; as marginal natural district, 45; occupation and abandonment of in Classic Period, 35, 65; plains and hills at top of as natural district, 61-62; site components in, 109

Laboratory of Anthropology (University of Arizona), 11, 21, 29, 32, 119, 120, 122, 124

Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (University of Arizona), 7

landforms:  of La Bajada Mesa, 62; physiographic features of and concept of natural district, 44

Lang, Richard W., 21, 111

Las Aguajes (LA 5), 34, 57, 64, 81-82, 87103104109111

lifezones:  and basic site data, 87-97; and “biotic communities,” 78n1; and concept of natural district, 44; impact of climate on nature and distribution of, 78n1; of La Bajada Mesa, 61-62; of Middle Arroyo Hondo drainage, 58; of Rio Grande floodplain and terraces, 49; of Santa Fe River Canyon, 53; and sustaining area for Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, 80, 81, 84, 85; of Tetilla Canyon, 57; of Upper Arroyo Hondo Canyon, 55-56

Los Alamos Pueblo (LA 8), 68, 81-82, 111-12, 119-20, 123


maize, population growth and introduction of improved strains, 72.  See also agriculture

marginal natural districts, 45

McNutt, Charles, 9, 11, 12

Mera, H. P., 6-7

Mesa Verde, 7, 74-75

Middle Arroyo Hondo drainage:  description of as natural district, 58-60, 63; site components in, 109; as tertiary natural district, 45

middle northern Rio Grande sequence, development of as cultural sequence in northern Rio Grande, 4-16

Miller, John P., 84

Mississippi valley, and European epidemic diseases in advance of contact, 42

Museum of New Mexico, 19, 29


National Geographic Society, xi

National Science Foundation, ix, xi

natural districts:  and basic site data, 87-97; as new concept, 4; definition of, 43-44; descriptions of for Arroyo Hondo region, 43-62; and interpretation of prehistory of Arroyo Hondo study area, 67-70; and interpretation of prehistory of northern Rio Grande region, 70-77; and site components in Arroyo Hondo study area, 106-109.  See also La Bajada Mesa; Middle Arroyo Hondo drainage; Rio Grande floodplain and terraces; Santa Fe River Canyon; Tetilla Canyon; Upper Arroyo Hondo Canyon

natural resources, natural districts and distribution of, 44

Navajo Reservoir District, 63

Neely, J. A., 3

Nelson, Nels, 6, 117-18, 119

northern Rio Grande region:  culture history of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo in context of, xii, 2; and development of middle northern Rio Grande cultural sequence, 4-10; general similarities between Iran and, 3; interpretation of settlement patterns and prehistory of, 70-77; overview of by chronological period, 10-16


occupational phases, and site weight index, 25

Ogapoge (pueblo), 120


Pajarito and Jemez plateaus, 6

Peckham, Stewart L., 23

Pecos classification, 6-8

Pecos Conference (1927), 6

Pecos Pueblo, 6

perched water table, in Middle Arroyo Hondo drainage, 58, 59, 60

petroglyph sites, and La Bajada Mesa, 61, 63

Pindi Pueblo (LA 1), 7, 11, 12, 13, 68, 123, 124

pithouses, and Middle Developmental Period sites, 31

Plog, Fred, 78n2

population:  decline of in Arroyo Hondo region during Classic Period, 42, 76; growth of during Developmental Period in northern Rio Grande region, 71-72; history of in Arroyo Hondo survey study area, 36-42, 63; rapid growth of in Upper Arroyo Hondo natural district in Coalition Period, 67-68, 70; settlement patterns and trends in during Coalition Period in northern Rio Grande region, 72-76; and water resources in Rio Grande region, 66

Pot Creek Pueblo, 9

Preceramic Period, and results of Arroyo Hondo survey, 29-30

primary natural districts, 45, 69, 75

Pueblo Well area, 82


Redman, Charles L., 21

Reed, Erik K., 9, 11, 12, 13, 14

regional perspective, and northern Rio Grande region, 2

Reinhart, T. R., 14-15

relative data, and site weight index, 27

reoccupation:  of canyon at edge of La Bajada Mesa in Historic Period, 61; of Arroyo Hondo during Classic Period, 34; of Tetilla Canyon in Coalition Period, 64-65

research design, of Arroyo Hondo archaeological project, 2-4

Rio Grande floodplain and terraces:  and decline of population in Classic Period, 69; description of as natural district, 48-51, 62; as primary natural district, 45; site components in, 106-107.  See also northern Rio Grande region

“Rio Grande’s Pueblo Past, The” (film), xi

rock shelters, in Tetilla Canyon, 32, 34

Rowe, John H., 10


Sangre de Cristo Mountains, 6, 80-81.  See also Upper Arroyo Hondo Canyon

Santa Fe (city), 14, 82, 120-23

Santa Fe area, 4, 6

Santa Fe River, 6, 49, 52, 82, 120, 124

Santa Fe River Canyon:  and decline of population in Classic Period, 69; description of as natural district, 52-54, 62; as primary natural district, 51; site components in, 107-108

scanning behavior, and natural districts, 64, 65, 69

Schoenwetter, James, 15, 72

School of American Research, ix, 1

Schwartz, Douglas W., 2, 23

secondary natural districts, 45, 69, 75

settlement patterns:  and concept of site weight index, 22-27; and definition of natural districts, 43-44; and description of natural districts for Arroyo Hondo study area, 43-62; and interpretation of Arroyo Hondo prehistory, 67-70; and interpretation of prehistory of northern Rio Grande region, 70-77; model of change in, 62-66; and overview of northern Rio Grande prehistory by chronological period, 10-16; and population history of Arroyo Hondo study area, 36-42; and results of Arroyo Hondo survey by chronological period, 29-36.  See also abandonment; aggregation; pithouses; reoccupation; rock shelters; sustaining area

shrines, and Classic Period, 34, 35

site size:  during Developmental Period; during Early Phase of Coalition Period, 32

site survey, for Arroyo Hondo project:  and artifactual analysis, 20-22; establishment of survey areas for, 17-19; and field procedures, 19-20; objectives of, 2; results of by chronological period, 29-36; and site weight index, 22-27

site weight index:  and basic site data, 87-97; by cultural sequence in study area, 37-39; and methods of site survey, 22-27; and natural districts, 44, 47, 69, 70; and population trends during Coalition Period in northern Rio Grande region, 73

Smiley, T. L., 3, 7, 73, 76, 118, 119

Spanish.  See also Coronado; epidemic diseases; Historic Period

Stallings, W. S., 7, 119, 124

structural units, and site weight index, 24-25

Stubbs, S. A., 3, 7, 73, 76, 118, 119, 124

submarginal natural districts, 45

survey areas, establishment of for Arroyo Hondo project, 17-19

sustaining area:  abandonment of in Middle Classic Period, 35; delineation of for Arroyo Hondo, 79-85; and description of sites immediately beyond Arroyo Hondo study area, 117-25; and establishment of survey areas, 17; site survey and definition of, 2


Taos area, 4

Tertiary natural districts, 45

Tesuque By-Pass salvage site, 9

Tetilla Canyon:  abandonment of in Coalition Period, 63, 69; description of as natural district, 57-58, 63; and growth of populations and sites in Classic Period, 34, 69, 70; reoccupation of in Coalition Period, 64-65; and rock shelters, 32, 34; as secondary natural district, 45; site components in, 109

time phases, and site weight index, 25-26

transect subunits, and survey areas, 18

Tuggle, Harold D., 23


U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 18, 58

University of Arizona, xii, 7.  See also Laboratory of Anthropology; Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research

Upper Arroyo Hondo Canyon (and western foothills of Sangre de Cristo Mountains):  description of as natural district, 54-57, 62; location of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo in, 67-70; partial termination of occupation in Classic Period, 64; and population growth in Coalition Period, 67-68, 70; as secondary natural district, 45; site components in, 108

Upper Arroyo Hondo Pueblo (LA 76), 32, 33, 82-84, 8799100101, 102108, 112


water and water supplies:  and abandonment of sites in Rio Grande region, 66; and concept of natural districts, 44; importance of perennial sources to site location, 18; and Middle Arroyo Hondo drainage, 58, 59, 60; and natural districts in Rio Grande region, 66, 73; and population of sites in Rio Grande region, 66; and Rio Grande floodplain and terraces, 51; and Santa Fe River Canyon, 53-54; and sustaining area for Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, 80-81; and Tetilla Canyon, 57, 58; and Upper Arroyo Hondo Canyon, 55.  See also climate; flooding

Watson, Patty Jo, 21

Wendorf, Fred, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 25, 31, 84

Wetherington, Ronald K., 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 25

Wilson, J., 23


Zubrow, E.. B. W., 64